Over 90% of our students achieve
Top 10% grades in Spanish exams
(A/A* for IGCSE, A-level; 6-7 for IB Spanish)
5/5 star rating based on clients review!
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What can I get help with?
We are a team of enthusiastic and well experienced Spanish teachers that are well coordinated and working together to offer you the best courses and programmes possible. We make a big effort to keep updating our resources so that you can revise what you have learned in our class anywhere at any time.
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How does Spanish Tutors HK work?
Altough some of our tutors have specialized in Spanish for exam preparation (IGCSE, A-level, IB, DELE etc.) our tutors have a wide experience in teaching kids, teenagers and adults no matter what is your learning objective, for pleasure, travel, business or exams.
We will adapt to you, you can fix any lesson at any time as far as the tutor is available. Of course we strongly recommend to keep a regular schedule as it makes it easier for you. The only requirement is that if you want to cancel a previous scheduled lesson you must tell us 48h in advance unless doctor's note is provided.
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Can I have lessons again with my old tutor?
Yes of course as far as the schedule of the tutor and your own schedule match it is possible to arrange.
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Yes it is possible to arrange home tutor visits or to have lessons in your office. There is an extra home visit charge to compensate for the teacher effort to come to your place.
Can the tutor come to my house or my office?
How do I get a tutor?
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Just contact us by filling up the form or by phone, let us know what is your learning objective and your schedule availability and we will arrange a placement with a tutor after assessment of your level.