Over 90% of our students achieve
Top 10% grades in Spanish exams
(A/A* for IGCSE, A-level; 6-7 for IB Spanish)
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The propose of this page is to aid google discover new links that are relevant to learning Spanish in our website. They all refer to Spanish learning options in Hong Kong or other countries. Nowadays if you want to rank in google one thing that you need for sure is outbound links to your website, otherwise google will not see your site as being important or relevant. We strongly encourage sites that want to rank well in google to get outbound links from relevant sites. Not all outbound links are good. You should focus on sites with a high domain rating so that they will pass more juice to your site. Below are some links that should help our site get some juice from google. If you plan to get extra links for your site we advise you not to overuse this technique or do it very fast, as google can spot these activities and penalize you. Our advise is have a smart link building technique and do it slowly step by step to get the most long term benefits.
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