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Learn Spanish in Hong Kong or anywhere with the videos of the series Extr@ with our Spanish subtitles


Update, we are going to start publishing new videos to learn french check our French Tutors site new videos will be uploaded soon!   

Episode 1 Lola y Ana reciben una visita

If you are a total beginner in learning Spanish but you already had your first Spanish lesson you can already watch the first episode and you should be able to undertand the greetings when Sam comes to visit the girls. This is intended specially for teenagers and adults that want to learn Spanish and are beginner or intermediate learners. Enjoy the video!

Simultaneous English and Spanish Subtitles HD                                                                 Only Spanish subtitles

Episode 2  Sam va de compras

If you already had your lesson on Shopping in Spanish you are ready to watch this video! Sam is goin shopping but obviously there are quite a few things that he is not getting right. Enjoy this video of Extr@ with our subtitles in Spanish!

                       Only Spanish subtitles                                                       Simultaneous English and Spanish Subtitles HD  (coming soon)  

Episode 3 Ana, Pablo y Sam intentan ligar por internet

If you want to know how to flirt in Spanish and you want to have a laugh then you should watch this chapter!

Episode 4

Episodio 4 de la serie Extr@ español

Episode 5

Episodio 5 de la serie Extr@ español

Episode 6

Episodio 6 de la serie Extr@ español

Episode 7

Episodio 7 de la serie Extr@ español

Episode 8 with subtitles coming soon

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